Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Prose for the emo

Reaching but just not grabbing,
Swinging but just not catching,
Breathing but just not living,
Loving but it's just not happening.

Reaching for something I shouldn't,
Yet failling at something I should,
I wanted one that I couldn't,
Whilst hurting one that I could.

Doing stupid things at stupid times,
Writing stupid words and stupid rhymes,
Hoping they'll somehow make a difference,
For my sins, mistakes and crimes.

I can be emo too. Bite me.


josie said...

brother you so emo. sobs.

Joshua Lim said...

i can be emo too!

fernfern said...

remember that our God is mighty to save!

in whatever position and problem that you are facing!

*hugs* love ya always!

josie said...

yes you can bro. i din say can't also! =P

Jelineloh said...

hehe wow u can write poetry too..=]