Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I want my 24-hour cyber cafe!!!

For the past two weeks almost every cyber cafe in Subang Jaya was shut down because they operated past midnight. There's a law in Subang Jaya which states that cyber cafes can only operate from 8am till midnight. But it hasn't been strictly enforced, until two weeks ago. Being typically Malaysians, the laws that we really pay any attention to are those that are being strictly enforced. Well MPSJ, you got my attention, along with many other irate gamers in Subang Jaya. GIVE US BACK OUR 24-HOUR CYBER CAFE!

Now, I know some of you reading this are thinking "Oh just another whiny kid", so let please allow me defend my case and not just whine. I hate whiny, pointless, baseless complaining as well.

Firstly, let me just say that rule boils down to one huge problem, discrimination or more specifically, ageism. This senseless ban is prejudice towards youth. Let's have a look at why do I say this. Many other establishments are allowed to operate past midnight. Cinemas, futsal centers, mamak stalls, bars and what not. Why are these places allowed to operate past midnight and not cyber cafes? These places have one thing in common; older people understand these establishments. Everyone's familiar with movies, futsal is a variation of football, older folks enjoy late night teh tariks too and our parents enjoyed getting drinks are bars as youth. Plainly speaking, these places can open past midnight because those "fuddy duddies" (I wanted to say worse but swearing's a sin) enjoy those activities or at least understand those businesses. But cyber cafes? NO WAY! Those places are smoke filled dens of gamblers. Look, if I wanted to gamble and smoke I would go to Genting Casino (which also opens 24-hours). Gamers go to cyber cafes to GAME and we don't want to choke on smoke while doing so.

I'm guessing the next thing they would say is, "Those games are murder simulator! They make teens violent!". I slap my face every time I hear that statement. If you're concerned about aggression stimulators, then ban football. There's been more football related deaths and violent conducts than computer game violence cases. Oh wait, I forgot. Old people like football as well. No way we could ban that. We can only ban things we don't like or don't understand.

And don't give me that rubbish about futsal places being good for health and that's why they should be allowed to remain open past midnight. I'm not saying that futsal isn't healthy. I'm saying that if you're so concerned about health, then please ban mamak stalls first. They're feeding young and old alike with oil drenched, fatty foods at late hours! Oh dear, sounds like a heart attack waiting to happen. Oh wait! I forgot again, the people at MPSJ probably like mamak stalls as well. How absent minded of me.

Some may be asking, why do cyber cafes need to be remain open past midnight? Well I know it's improper, but bear with me as I retort with a question, why do mamak stalls have to open past midnight? The answer is obvious isn't it? Because people still visit mamak stalls past midnight! There's business to be made at those wee hours as well. Many Malaysians are nocturnal in nature. We seem to enjoy going out for drinks and food late at night. Maybe it's the night air or perhaps we have no other free time except late at night. Whatever the reason, we can't deny that we're night creatures. We youngsters inherited this nocturnality as well. But instead of frequenting mamaks as our parents did, some of us frequent cyber cafes. 24-hour operating hours is necessary because of the nature of the business, the nature of the patrons.

But I guess it's not enough to be all talk and no action. So I'm starting a petition for 24-hour cyber cafes in Subang. If what i said made sense. Please, show your support here. Thank you so very much for your support.


Stellix said...


Alpha Lim said...

Most activists against ageism grow old (i.e. past 21) before they complete their campaigns, I think.

thus the continual blaming of the youth.

it's been going on since ancient Greece.
there's a famous quote by Socrates blaming youth for all society's ills.
I'd google it up but it's late and I wanna go home.

after I sign your petition.

see? uncle not so old yet. haha!

waynshaun said...

see? this is why we can't have nice things in Malaysia. dumbass enforcers..

fernfern said...


Mark Lam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark Lam said...

(Sorry left out someting)

Although I don't go to CC and play DoTa but play games like COD 4, C&C TW, and BF2.(Cause my house computer is not up to standard to play those games)As a fellow gamer I support this cause!

fernfern said...

You sound like Alan Shore in this post, you know that right? :P

Joshua Lim said...

Thanks Harris, Daddy Darius, Fern, Shaun and Lam =D

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